Turkish, Hungarian desserts and other delicacies you can't resist

Sunday 12 August 2012

Hókifli - Traditional Hungarian dessert

This dessert was also made for the garden party yesterday. It was finished up already before lunch as the cheesy crescent rolls.

Hókifli is a traditional Hungarian christmas dessert.

Usually we make 2 different kinds of hókifli at home, it always depends on the occassion what we make it for and how much time we have for preparing. If you want fresh and soft hókifli next day as well, try this recipe.

1 kg flour
3 egg yolks
5 dkg fresh yeast (+ some lukewarm milk)
40 dkg fat (or 68 dkg butter)
2 dl sour cream
20 dkg sugar
pinch of salt

For the filling:
jam - plum or apricot

Place the flour in a big bowl, mix with the salt and sugar then crumble the fat in it (traditionally we make it with fat, so the dough is softer but if you don't like fat, try with butter). 

Warm the milk, crumble the fresh yeast in it with some sugar and wait for 10 minutes.

Add the egg yolks, the sour cream and the yeast to the flour and start kneading the dough with your hands. Be careful, not knead it for a long time because the fat will melt by your hands' warm. So knead the dough fast!

When it is ready, set aside and let it sit for 1 hour. 

Place the dough on a floured surface, roll to rectangular shape and about 1-2 mm thick. Place the jam in a long thin line by one edge of the dough. Pull the edge of the dough over the filling, then roll it up little bit (the filling not to leak during the baking). Cut about 5 cm pieces and place on the baking paper on an oven pan.

Preheat the oven into 200°C then bake the hókilfi golden brown. (Be careful, the hókilfi is baked very quicky, do not burn it!) When you take the oven pan out from the oven, let it cool for a while then rotate the still warm but not hot hókilfi into powdered sugar.

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