Turkish, Hungarian desserts and other delicacies you can't resist

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Spelt buns

In April I decided to try candida diet what I think everyone can do from time to time because of medical indication or without it as well to clean our body and get rid of the consumed sugar, flour and all the carbohydrates.

Before anyone would get frightened, luckily it is allowable to eat bread made of spelt flour during the diet therefore noone needs to fear of starvation. 

Rita's recipe proved a perfect choice. Though I have changed the recipe a little bit and baked in bun shape instead of bread, but I think both of them is very delicious and stodgy. 

Ingredients (appr. 6 buns):
25 dkg spelt flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 tablespoon seed (linseed, pumpkin seed, sesame seed etc.) - optional
3 tabelspoon olive oil
1 dl lukewarm water
3 tablespoon yoghurt

Preheat the oven to 180°C. 

In a big bowl mix the flour, salt, baking soda (drip some fresh lemon juice on it and let it bubble), the seeds. Add the liquid ingredients, the yoghurt, olive oil and that much lukewarm water to get a well kneadable, not too hard dough.

Divide the dough into 6 part, form buns from them, place them on a baking paper (what you grease with olive oil before) then cut X on their top with a sharp knife and sprinkle with some flour.

In the preheated oven bake the buns for around 30 minutes. 

You can bake them in bread form as well or smaller-larger bun form. It is very stodgy because of the spelt flour, not like a distended bread what you can buy in the supermarket or at many bakery.

1-1- smaller bun is always enoguh for me for one dining therefore the above amount buns can be enough for 3-4 days.  

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