Turkish, Hungarian desserts and other delicacies you can't resist

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Braided zucchini bread with peanut

When I came home from work today my friend called me asked my help what kind of bread she should bake at the first time in her life if she has only basic ingredients at home. I opened the book Eat Well Live Well - Beautiful Baking for the Irish soda bread's recipe when I found something also for myself. Of course.

This low-fat bread based on the Irish soda bread's recipe but contains more several healty ingredients, with grated zucchini, roasted peanuts and linseed.It doesn't demand too many skills either to shape the showy bread. Cutting into thick slices we can serve it with soups or salad as main course.

I can recommend this special bread to test which is soft inside because of the zucchini and during the baking a wonderful aroma floats all around the flat.This is my best and most delicious bread what I have baked until now.

Ingredients (16 slices):
1 small piece of zucchini
40 dkg flour (20 dkg spelt flour and 20 dkg Update lowcarb mastermix)
1 tablespoon baking soda
1 tablespoon salt
2-3 tablespoon linseed
1 handful peanut
1 big clove garlic
1 spoon olive oil
4 dl yoghurt

Preheat the oven to 200°C. Grate the zucchini with its peel and let it dry on kitchen towels. Set aside.

Sift the flour, baking soda and the salt in a big bowl. Add the linseed, peanut and garlic, then the grated zucchini.

Sprinkle the oil on it, add the yoghurt and mix all ingredients smoothly. If it is needed, you can find some leftover flour in the bottom of the bowl, add some more yoghurt.

Shape a round loaf from the dough and put on a floured counter. Cut into to equal size pieces and twist two 30 cm long stick with floury hands.

Lay the two sticks next to each other on the counter. Press their upper ends then braid them carefully and turn the ends under the bread. Place the braided bread on oily baking paper and sprinkle it with some flour.

While we bake it for 25-30 minutes until it gets golden brown, the bread growns.

It is best to serve warm but it's fresh for 2-3 days.

Afiyet olsun!

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